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United States Patent

1. Systems, Methods and Computer Program Products for Application Environment Synchronization Between Remote Devices and On-Premise Devices.
2. Systems, Methods and Computer Program Products for Job Management
New file system to automatically “spill” workloads across Datacenter and Cloud
In this presentation, Spillbox, Inc. proposes a new file system for hybrid Cloud which synchronizes data during peak demand automatically and efficiently. It also highlights the benefits of this easy-to-use hybrid Cloud file system resulting in higher performance and overall cost reduction.
New file system to automatically “spill” workloads across Datacenter and Cloud
Tutorial on Cloud based verification by experts from Synopsys and AWS. They talk about how Spillbox helped in data movement and synchronization ( 27min and 36min in presentation). We updated a lot since then and added lots of cool features. Spillbox can now automatically burst only peak load on Cloud/Remote Datacenter while the rest of the workload runs on premise.